Terri Talks Books
I've recently been doing some personal social media management and have created companion websites for all of my book related chat and reviews. The websites are branded as Terri Talks Books and use the same header and avatar. Hopefully this will benefit my readers and viewers, making it easier to find me in the various places I talk about books.
How to find me:
- Terri Talks Books blog - http://www.territalksbooks.com
- YouTube as MsTerriB - http://youtube.com/user/MsTerriB
What about Tip of the Iceberg?
Tip of the Iceberg is not going away. It will be re-purposed back to its origins as a personal essay writing blog.
How do I find book reviews?
Old book reviews will remain at Tip of the Iceberg and new book reviews will appear at Terri Talks Books. To help readers find book reviews, I will maintain title and author book review indexes and provide a Find My Book Reviews link in the header menu at both blogs.
What if I forget how to find Terri Talks Books?
I've put a link to Terri Talks Books in the header menu above to point readers here at Tip of the Iceberg to the new blog.
Follow me!
I'd love it if you follow me at Terri Talks Books. Subscription links are in the sidebar at Terri Talks Books to help you subscribe in various ways.
Here is a button to subscribe to Terri Talks Books if you use Bloglovin':

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