C.B. James threw out the dare and I'm going to take it on! If you remember from my reading goals and challenges post, I mentioned that a top goal for me is to read from my mountainous to-be-read collection. This dare nicely aligns with that goal.
The dare is simply to "make a resolution to read only the books in your To Be Read stack from January 1, 2012 to April 1."
This is not a book buying ban but is, instead, a dare to only read books from my TBR collection during the stated time period. As of 12:00 am January 1, no newly purchased books and no borrowed books can be read until April 1. Of course, it would be helpful if I didn't buy any books during that time as well, but that is a separate issue!
At least this wasn't a double dog dare or, gasp, the dreaded triple dog dare! Wish me luck.
Good luck! I should do this, too, but I like supporting my library...
ReplyDeleteGood luck, Terri! Can't wait to see what you discover on your shelves.
ReplyDeleteKailana: I'll probably pop into my library on April 1st! Love libraries but want to address the ginormous TBR at home. Glad you are a fellow library fan :)
ReplyDeleteJoAnn: Thanks! I'm looking forward to what I find there too. It is surprising what I find there sometimes.
It's great to see so many people signing up for the challenge! I'm doing it too. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteVasilly: Good luck to you too! I'm hoping this won't be too difficult ;)
ReplyDeleteThe Double Dog Dare will be next year. ;-)